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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1193c122.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-05  |  55KB  |  211x668  |  8-bit (226 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | hakham | monitor | sky | skyscraper | windowpane
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS Top taxable bond funds Peihar Tinetllamao E[0472-3115 Feultar Tagal Nalar tins2n5 E[-472-333] Ecrhen larga! Matr ties 2H1n 1-172-333 Keslone iStir 216 311-11 -2893 Aliange Ford! [0]-227 4710 TENFEL 201i 231 E0H72 Den NrHigi Secndes 227 TOS 1-351 Go. Sectins 211 Pin log Te L.S.E 311-27.4643 Stih Erre Stes In 3]].451.2[10 Top tax cexempt bond funds EEILIEEN Tranelltl 1[0-255-0]31 Sritn Bamer JIREELS Yor LNuri A13.4 311-41-2011 tartilgs ENtrispallacired 311-3E2-C016 MistaFav-Fraalesare J1-1E 118 Elaystip Tae-Eeexpt 01-227-414 oteF ici 116-381-17E talfnia Mui Ever:Hatierel 11-221-273 Sema Tnst Nalerl Narirel 311-22-5&12 Tasarerien .FB 01-13-540 MONES hond 5105 StesruIn exempt houd undk BondA